Friday, June 21, 2013

Fighting Fire From The Air

These are some of the aircraft that are fighting the fire near Prescott


Kate said...

Manuervering those helicopters is not an easy thing to do.

Lowell said...

Thank goodness for these folks who are willing to risk their lives to save others! I've read a bit about your fire - looks just terrible. Our daughter in Colorado is just 10 miles from a fire that started up a couple of days ago so we're kinda worried about that situation...and they're at 9,000 feet with only one way down the mountain! said...

Good luck in getting the fire contained.

Lowell said...

You are right about 10 miles being too close. I told her on the phone the other night to get all the essentials ready to go - they've got a camper so could load a lot in a short time.

Catalyst said...

I like that orange one. Hope the guys and gals fighting this can catch a break soon.

Randy said...

I hope they get it out soon.