Friday, June 7, 2013

Road Trip....Inside The Gifford House

Inside the Gifford House at Fruita, Utah is a store where they sell fresh home baked pies and bread and many other tasty things to enjoy. Most of the house is a museum with some of the old furniture that would have been used when it was a home. 


Kate said...

For a homestead house, this is very well furnished. said...

It looks like people kept their houses more tidy back then than today. Fewer amusements and distractions to clutter up the place.

Lowell said...

Thank you for these. They remind me of my grandmother's home...many of the same furnishings, including the spinning wheel and the chamber pot!

Grandma had a wood stove and churned her own butter and canned tons of fruits and veggies which she kept down in a dark, dank, cool basement.

No heat upstairs so the beds were covered with quilts and blankets (this was in northern Minnesota!)...

Sharon said...

I love the inside, it feels homey!

Lowell said...

Hi Judy,

To answer your question: Airboats are generally quite fast as they're equipped with an airplane engine...

I've not ridden in one but I would if the opportunity presented itself. There are many places in the Everglades where one can get a tour often led by a Seminole. Lots of gators! :)

Catalyst said...

That bed looks a little swaybacked!

Randy said...

Great looking antiques.