Monday, July 22, 2013

Getting The Right Angle Shot

We photographers will do just about anything to get that perfect shot. 


Sharon said...

Yes, but it's not so easy to get up any longer. said...

One of the the things I like about the type of camera that I think you, Sharon, and I have is the flip out viewfinder so I can hold the camera down low and look down at the viewfinder without having to get all the way down on the ground.

Lowell said...

I agree with Sharon! And I'd say it takes a certain commitment to be a good photographer. You want to do whatever it takes to get a photo but not kill yourself doing it! At my age that's easier said than done! :)

Kate said...

Of course, any sacrifice for art!!

Thérèse said...

Whatever it takes!

LOLfromPasa said...

That will never be me...but I do admire those who can :). Fun shot.

Kathy said...

I sometimes will get down on my knees but I'm like Sharon - too hard to get up at my age! I went to a cattle auction the other day and there was an especially high step that my friend had us taking (of course, she's 10 years younger than I) and I had to be helped up by a handsome cowboy. Sometimes there's an advantage in being unable to do certain things!

Randy said...

That would be me, but not during the work week.